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Security Risks and Ways to Decrease Vulnerabilities in a 802.11b Wireless Environment

Introduction This document explains topics related to wireless networks. The main themes, this type of security problems found in the day on 802.11 networks and how to prevent these vulnerabilities from happening. Wireless networks have not been many years ago. Federal Express is to use a type of wireless networks, common to 802.11 networks used today, but the public has only recently begun to use the wireless network. Because of weak security that exists in wireless networks, companies such as Best Buy decided to postpone the launch of wireless technology. The Government of USA has done the same and end the use of wireless technology to a more universal, secure solution is available. Background What wireless? Wireless LAN or Wi-Fi is a technology that is used to connect computers and peripherals. Wireless LAN give people greater mobility and flexibility to enable workers to remain connected to the Internet and the network, and wandering from one region to another coverage. This increases efficiency by allowing data to be recorded and you will have access to the area. In addition to being easy to install, wireless LANs are easy to understand and use. With few exceptions, all that is connected to the LAN cable applies to a wireless LAN. They work like, and is often associated with an Ethernet network cable. Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance [CME] organization that provides industrial 802.11 products that are envisaged to meet a basic standard for interoperability. The First Family of products to be certified by the CME is based on the 802.11b standard. This set of products is what we are going to study. There are a number of rules, for example, 802.11ay 802.11g. The original 802.11 standard was published in 1999 and high-speed data transmission at speeds of up to 2 Mbps at 2.4 GHz, using either FHSS or DHSS. Since then, many groups have been trained to create additions and improvements over the original 802.11 standard. The 802.11b TG created a supplement to the original 802.11 standard, called 802.11b, which has been industry standard for WLAN networks. It uses DSSS and provide data transmission speeds up to 11 Mbps at 2.4 GHz. 802.11b eventually be replaced by rules that have a better quality of service features and better security. Topology network topologies There are two wireless networks that can be configured: Peer-to-peer (ad hoc)? This configuration is identical to its counterpart cable, without exception cables. Two or more devices can communicate with each other without the AP. Client / Server (network infrastructure)? This configuration is identical to its counterpart cable, without exception cables. This is the most common form of wireless networks used today, and most of the concepts in this document applies a. characteristics of the Wireless LAN <ul> <li> WLANs can be used to replace the wired LAN, or as an extension of a wired infrastructure. It costs a lot cheaper to deploy a wireless LAN instead deploy a cable. A large installation costs and change a cable network is to run networks and spending power cables, all in accordance with building codes. Examples of other programs that the decision to deploy wireless LANs are as follows: <li> appendage or moves from computers. <li> installing temporary network installation <li> hard over the sites </ ul> wireless LAN offer more mobility and flexibility by allowing it to remain connected to the Internet and the network as they roam. The consumption of wireless LAN wireless LAN is a relatively new technology that has only been in operation since 1999. With any new technology, standards are always better, but in principle they are unreliable and insecure. Wired networks of traffickers to send more of a dedicated line that is physically private WLAN send their traffic on sharing space, waves. This introduces interference from other cars and the need for additional security. In addition to interference from other wireless LAN, 2.4 GHz is also used by cordless phones and microwave oven. Security issues WLAN <ul> <li> war driving war driving is a process in which a person using a wireless device as a PDA or laptop to run the search for wireless networks . Some are as a hobby and draw different wireless networks that are found. Others who could be regarded as pirates, will focus on wireless networks, and then penetrate networks. If a wireless network is not secure, can be quite easy to break into the network and obtain confidential information. Even with security, hackers can disrupt security and hacking. One of the tools most commonly used in PDAs and devices for Microsoft Windows Network Stumbler, which can be downloaded at http://www.netstumbler.com. Target = _new http://www. Netstumbler.com. Equipped with software and hardware, a person can derive from wireless access points in the case of a GPS device attached. Adding an antenna for the wireless card increases the opportunities for Wi-Fi More information can be found at: http://www.wardriving.info target = _new http://www.wardriving.info and http:// www. Wardriving. com target = _new http://www.wardriving.com to name a few. <li> Cretaceous-Cretaceous war is a way of marking wireless networks, often using the Cretaceous. The conduct of war is the method that is used to scan networks, and the person who is marked with chalk network that provides information on the network. Some of the information network which, if network security, and perhaps the contact group that owns the network. If the wireless network is successful war and not cope, his network can be used and / or split up more quickly, because the information is displayed on the network. </ ul> listening and espionage Because wireless communication is broadcast on radio waves, spies only heard on the airwaves can easily collect messages without encryption. These companies intruder exposure of sensitive information to enterprises of espionage. Wireless LAN Security? pirates What is not known to www.airdefense.net Copyright 2002 internal vulnerabilities within an organization, network security can be exposed by the way, WLAN Rouge (Red or Aps), non - secure networks, and a partnership to name a few. Red access points? An employee in an organization can connect to an access point without the authorization or knowledge of computers. It is easy to do all that an individual has to do is connect to an access point or wireless router in a LAN existing liver and is taken on the network. A statistic in 2001, Gartner said that at least 20 per cent of companies already have access points red. Another type of attack would be if someone from outside the organization, the labour market and adds access through social engineering. The uncertainty of network configurations-Many companies think that if you use a firewall or technology, such as VPN, is automatically guaranteed. This is not necessarily true, because all security holes large and small, can be exploited. Even if the plans and technologies such as VPN, firewalls and routers are poorly configured, the network can be compromised. Association accidental? This can happen if a wireless network is established with the same SSID as its network and the range of your wireless device. You can accidentally connected to your network without your knowledge. Connecting to a wireless LAN can expose passwords or sensitive documents to someone in neighbouring countries. Wireless LAN Security? Pirates What is not known to www.airdefense.net Copyright 2002 social engineering? The social engineering is a frightening and most effective type of attack that can be done. This type of attack really scared myself and can be done for many other purposes, and the security of wireless networks. A scenario: a person dressed as a person Cisco enters the workplace. Secretary believes that his false identity card, you can get a pass reception. The fraudster sections of the cabin to cabin, the collection of user names and passwords he / she goes. After finding a corner, what appears to be a little travel, attach an access point in the non-secure networks. At the same time setting up the access point not to broadcast its SSID and amendment of certain other adjustments to make, it is difficult for the department to find this access point Rouge. He then left without ever being questioned by anyone, because it seems as if only corresponds Now, all you have to do is to be within 300 metres of access point (more if you add an antenna), and now has access to all types of security documents and data. This can be devastating blow to any society, May and eventually lead to bankruptcy for the secrets of the company was revealed to competitors. Bruce Schneier came to my class and said that on social engineering , is it any attempt to do their job, and it would be good. Some have the advantage that the orientation of human nature. social engineering is insoluble. Securing wireless networks, according to Bruce Schneier and others, like Kevin Mitnick, you can never have a complete computing environment of security. What we suggest is often to try to control the damage can be done if security is violated. We can try many tools on the market that can help prevent any breach of security. WEP? WEP supports both 64 and 128-bit keys. Both are vulnerable, but because the initialization vector graphics are only 24 - bits in length in each case. His RC4 algorithm which is safely used in other applications, such as SSL, are very vulnerable to WEP. http:// www.infosecuritymag.com/2002/jan/cover.shtml target = _new Http: / / Wireless insecurity By www.infosecuritymag.com/2002/jan/cover.shtml Dale Gardner. There are different tools to break WEP, including AirSnort, which can be consulted on www.airsnort.net. Although this method is not a secure solution, it can be used to help an attacker could decline if other means are not possible, financially or otherwise. IPSec VPN and IPSec VPN allow companies to connect remote offices or wireless connections via the Internet rather than expensive leased lines or data services managed. The encryption and authentication, data protection, as it crosses the public network, so companies do not have to sacrifice privacy and data integrity at a lower price. A large number of VPN is on the market today. An important note about VPN that interoperability does not really exist, and whatever you spend on your server must be the same brands as its clients most of the time. Some VPN include: Borderware <ul> <li> <li> <li> Networks BroadConnex <li> CheckPoint Cisco Computer Associates <li> </ ul> DMZ? Adding this to your network, you can put your wireless network unreliable in a segment of its network. Firewall? Firewalls are all over the place. Firewalls range of hardware and software solutions for versions. By adding a firewall between the wireless and cable network helps prevent hackers from accessing the cable network. This document is not in the details of different firewalls and how this operation, but there are many. Some firewalls include: <ul> <li> ZoneAlarm (low-cost-based firewall) Zonelabs.com <li> Symantec has many firewall depending on what you need. </ ul> PKI - Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is the combination of software, encryption technologies and services that enable companies to protect their communications and business transactions over the Internet. What is PKI? http://verisign.netscape.com/security/pki/understanding.html target = _new http://verisign.netscape.com/security/pki/understanding.html site surveys? Polls site means you use a software and a wireless device to explore their network access points and security risks. proactive approaches Since wireless technology is insecure, companies or anyone can take a proactive approach to try to identify hackers trying to gain access to wireless networks. Honeypots? is not true network configuration to try to attract hackers. This enables managers to learn more about the type of use of techniques hackers to access. A product is Mantrap created by Symantec. ManTrap has the unique ability to detect both host and network attacks, resulting in the detection of hybrids in a single solution. No matter how an internal or external attacker tries to compromise the system, Symantec ManTrap bait containing detection sensors and response and to provide detailed information through data collection system modules. http://enterprisesecurity.symantec.com/products/products.cfm?ProductID=157 target = _new http://enterprisesecurity.symantec.com/products/products.cfm?ProductID = 157, intrusion detection? Intrusion Detection is software that monitors network traffic. It seems an alert if a hacker tries to access the network. This product is free of Snort. Before proceeding, there are some basic concepts, you must understand Snort. There are three ways that can be configured Snort: sniffer, packet logger, and network Intrusion Detection System. The Sniffer mode, only read the package outside the network and show them to you in a continuous stream in the console. In packet mode sign posts packages to the post. Network Intrusion Detection is the most complex and configurable parameters, so that Snort to analyze the network traffic for matches against a standard defined by the user to create and carry out various actions based on what he sees. http://www.snort.org/docs/writing_rules/chap1.html # tth_chAp1 target = _new http://www.snort.org/docs/writing_rules/chap1.html # tth_chAp1 monitoring network - Monitoring Network products would snort to monitor the flow of traffic on the network. Some tips and tricks <ul> <li> When networks and wireless access points there are simple steps can be taken immediately to ensure the network, but not make it safe. Some of these forms include: <li> Change the default SSID: each router or access point comes with a default SSID. In May of this evolution will take more time for an attacker to know what type of device you are trying to cut. <li> Change the default password? default password generic is granted access points and routers. Sometimes the password is admin. By changing the password, attacker can not change the configuration of the router as simple as that. <li> Disable SSID awareness: By default, the AP SSID broadcast, if this configuration disconnection is more difficult for foreigners to find the access point. <li> enable MAC filtering: Be careful, this can only work in small circles to a centralized roster of access need not be updated. You can allow only certain wireless cards to access the AP by the fact that only the MAC addresses. Turn off the <li> actions: If security is important, digitization of operations and closure of operations in the network can help. Also encrypt sensitive data can prevent hackers from accessing data. <li> Put your wireless access points in a hard to find and reach the ground. <li> keep drivers in all wireless equipment updated. This patch allows security problems exist. Read today <li> press releases on the new wireless news. </ ul> About the author Richard Johnson J + Certified Network Computer Consulting RJ http://rjcomputerconsulting.com target = _new http://rjcomputerconsulting.com Richard @ johnsorichard . com
