วันอังคารที่ 30 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551
The Merging of Humans and Computers
Soon the human brain will be completely interfaced with the computer. The benefit to mankind will be truly significant. The truth is that Arthur C Clark in his short stories talked about groups of people being connected in real time by neuron transmitting devises below the skin. You might even have all the world's knowledge and latest research all in a chip connected to your brain. Today we see the beginnings of this with teens with cell phones and PDA devices used in Flash Mobs. Such a computer, communication, brain interface would be the next logical step as SciFi meets Moore's Law and MIT completes their latest Media Lab exploit of Nano tech gone wild.</p><p>The communication device would be in real time, the "Internet in your head" so you can only imagine the opportunities, business and communication at the Speed of Thought. Instead of trading MP3 Player music on the Internet, you would be trading experiences in 4D, and thought using Nano-Tech computer, which interfaces with the enhanced brain. You could do real-time research with members of certain groups across the ocean and when someone made a discovery, the time to write the white paper or peer review would be instantaneous.</p><p>Thus cutting down the research time to next to zero. If you read certain books such as Prescription to the Future; and The 500 year Delta, Futurists book reviews and others working on these issues you can see where we are headed. Some are worried about this but I am rather intrigued on the possibilities for the betterment of mankind. Will computers be smarter than humans? Computers and humans will be one in this case, so we will be equal. Instead of the preverbal file swapping or file sharing, you will be thought swapping. The future is closer than you think, have you considered this?</p><p>"Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; <a target="_new" href="http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs">www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs</a>
The Importance of Ergonomic Products
Interestingly, ergonomics though sounds to be a modern and trendy phenomenon, its principles are based on primitive life style. It is a known fact that earlier generations did not have to face a whole lot of medical complications that our generation is facing. Some of the factors that contribute to these medical complications are associated with our poor work conditions and our unhealthy life style which our forefathers and mothers instinctively avoided. We are running short of that life saving instinct. They knew how and how not an action is to be performed, when and when not something can be done easily. They were attuned to nature and to their own bodily nature. They were sensitive to the bodily cues and were able to modify their actions and hence lead a healthy life.</p><p>However there is a wide new awakening in this area in the form of Ergonomics. The word Ergonomics finds its root in Greek. "Ergon" in Greek means work and "nomoi" means law or rule. So ergonomics means law of work. Ergonomics is a branch of science that deals with the design of objects, systems and environment. Though can be mislead by the etymological meaning of the word, it is not limited to work but generally physical actions including sports and leisure activities of human beings. Ergonomics is not a stand-alone branch of science like many other branches science. Ergonomics relies on the principles of many other branches of science including, psychology of human beings, anatomy and physiology and also on results of cultural studies. Ergonomics seeks to produce a job environment that will help people to operate in their optimum levels and increase efficiency by increasing comfort in work and reducing fatigue. For example, a 6 feet tall individual cannot be comfortable in a low car where he or she has to place himself or herself in unnatural bodily postures that will result in fatigue that would even undermine the safety measures. This means that a car has to be designed to accommodate a six feet tall individual to drive comfortably without straining oneself.</p><p>Studies have proved that ergonomically designed products reduce stress at work places. This applies especially to people who work in the IT industry. Many psychological disorders have been associated with people who work in poor IT environments. This has lead to an in depth study on how to reduce the anomalies, which in turn has lead to the booming market of ergonomically designed IT products. Some of the computer accessories that are designed using ergonomic principles include, vertical mouse, ergonomic keyboard, adjustable computer furniture and the list extends.</p><p>While it is good to choose ergonomically designed products for your use, you have to be careful in choosing a genuine product. Because, there are lot of products that markup their price at an exorbitant rates in the name of ergonomic products. It may not be necessarily so ? ergonomic product need not necessarily look too different from the one's that are already in use. We often wrongly associate ergonomic products with fancy looking products on which the product manufacturers thrive.</p><p>For some the best ergonomic products in the market today you can visit the dedicated e-store at <a target="_new" href="http://www.ergo-items.com">http://www.ergo-items.com</a>. <a target="_new" href="http://www.ergo-items.com">Ergonomic computer products</a> for the office including ergonomic keyboards, ergo arm-rest, ergo mouse-cursor support, ergo stickers. The website also has many Computer safety ergonomic products for the workstation.
Adding Serial Ports to a Computer with Only USB Ports
<b>So you bought a new computer but you don't have serial ports?</b></p><p>It's surprisingly common these days - you find an awesome machine that does everything you want it to do, but then you get home and find out that amongst the lightning-fast processor and terabyte hard drive, you're missing something - a serial port.</p><p><b>Most laptop manufacturers have killed RS-232</b></p><p>In an effort to enforce newer standards, such as USB and FireWire, many laptop manufacturers have let serial ports fall by the wayside. They don't take into account the millions of people and businesses that still require serial ports for one application or another.</p><p><b>Add a true serial port with a USB adapter</b></p><p>You can use a <a target="_new" href="http://www.sewelldirect.com/USBtoSerial.asp">USB to Serial Adapter</a> to easily and quickly add a serial port to your laptop. The nice thing about the adapter is that you can use multiple adapters on one machine (using a hub or an add-on card) and dynamically set the COM assignment.</p><p><b>Various serial devices requiring some type of serial port</b></p><p>Many PDA's, GPS units, routers, printers, fax machines, etc. still require serial ports. A lot of these devices are moving to newer standards, most notably USB, but many still operate on legacy technologies (serial or parallel) because of the difficulty in rewriting drivers for the newer standards.</p><p>Preston Wily is the Director of Marketing for <a target="_new" href="http://www.sewelldirect.com">Sewell Direct</a>, a retailer of hard-to-find computer hardware and accessories.
Routing, Routed, and Non-Routable Protocols
ROUTING PROTOCOLS</p><p>A generic term that refers to a formula, or protocol, used by a router to determine the appropriate path over which data is transmitted. The routing protocol also specifies how routers in a network share information with each other and report changes. The routing protocol enables a network to make dynamic adjustments to its conditions, so routing decisions do not have to be predetermined and static.</p><p>Routing, Routed and Non-Routable Protocols</p><p>ROUTING | ROUTED | NON-ROUTABLE</p><p>ROUTING PROTOCOLS</p><p>ROUTING PROTOCOLS are the software that allow routers to dynamically advertise and learn routes, determine which routes are available and which are the most efficient routes to a destination. Routing protocols used by the Internet Protocol suite include:</p><p>? Routing Information Protocol (RIP and RIP II). <br> ? Open Shortest Path First (OSPF).<br> ? Intermediate System to Intermediate System (IS-IS). <br> ? Interrior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP). <br> ? Cisco's Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP). <br> ? Border Gateway Protocol (BGP).<br></p><p>Routing is the process of moving data across two or more networks. Within a network, all hosts are directly accessable because they are on the same</p><p>ROUTED PROTOCOLS</p><p>ROUTED PROTOCOLS are nothing more than data being transported across the networks. Routed protocols include:</p><p>? Internet Protocol <br> o Telnet <br> o Remote Procedure Call (RPC) <br> o SNMP <br> o SMTP <br> ? Novell IPX <br> ? Open Standards Institute networking protocol <br> ? DECnet <br> ? Appletalk <br> ? Banyan Vines <br> ? Xerox Network System (XNS)</p><p>Outside a network, specialized devices called ROUTES are used to perform the routing process of forwarding packets between networks. Routers are connected to the edges of two or more networks to provide connectivity between them. These devices are usually dedicated machines with specialized hardware and software to speed up the routing process. These devices send and receive routing information to each other about networks that they can and cannot reach. Routers examine all routes to a destination, determine which routes have the best metric, and insert one or more routes into the IP routing table on the router. By maintaining a current list of known routes, routers can quicky and efficiently send your information on it's way when received.</p><p>There are many companies that produce routers: Cisco, Juniper, Bay, Nortel, 3Com, Cabletron, etc. Each company's product is different in how it is configured, but most will interoperate so long as they share common physical and data link layer protocols (Cisco HDLC or PPP over Serial, Ethernet etc.). Before purchasing a router for your business, always check with your Internet provider to see what equipment they use, and choose a router, which will interoperate with your Internet provider's equipment.</p><p>NON-ROUTABLE PROTOCOLS</p><p>NON-ROUTABLE PROTOCOLS cannot survive being routed. Non-routable protocols presume that all computers they will ever communicate with are on the same network (to get them working in a routed environment, you must bridge the networks). Todays modern networks are not very tolerant of protocols that do not understand the concept of a multi-segment network and most of these protocols are dying or falling out of use.</p><p>? NetBEUI <br> ? DLC <br> ? LAT <br> ? DRP <br> ? MOP</p><p>RIP (Routing Information Protocol)</p><p>RIP is a dynamic internetwork routing protocol primary used in interior routing environments. A dynamic routing protocol, as opposed to a static routing protocol, automatically discovers routes and builds routing tables. Interior environments are typically private networks (autonomous systems). In contrast, exterior routing protocols such as BGP are used to exchange route summaries between autonomous systems. BGP is used among autonomous systems on the Internet.</p><p>RIP uses the distance-vector algorithm developed by Bellman and Ford (Bellman-Ford algorithm).</p><p>Routing Information Protocol</p><p>Background</p><p>The Routing Information Protocol, or RIP, as it is more commonly called, is one of the most enduring of all routing protocols. RIP is also one of the more easily confused protocols because a variety of RIP-like routing protocols proliferated, some of which even used the same name! RIP and the myriad RIP-like protocols were based on the same set of algorithms that use distance vectors to mathematically compare routes to identify the best path to any given destination address. These algorithms emerged from academic research that dates back to 1957.</p><p>Today's open standard version of RIP, sometimes referred to as IP RIP, is formally defined in two documents: Request For Comments (RFC) 1058 and Internet Standard (STD) 56. As IP-based networks became both more numerous and greater in size, it became apparent to the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) that RIP needed to be updated. Consequently, the IETF released RFC 1388 in January 1993, which was then superceded in November 1994 by RFC 1723, which describes RIP 2 (the second version of RIP). These RFCs described an extension of RIP's capabilities but did not attempt to obsolete the previous version of RIP. RIP 2 enabled RIP messages to carry more information, which permitted the use of a simple authentication mechanism to secure table updates. More importantly, RIP 2 supported subnet masks, a critical feature that was not available in RIP.</p><p>This chapter summarizes the basic capabilities and features associated with RIP. Topics include the routing update process, RIP routing metrics, routing stability, and routing timers.</p><p>Routing Updates</p><p>RIP sends routing-update messages at regular intervals and when the network topology changes. When a router receives a routing update that includes changes to an entry, it updates its routing table to reflect the new route. The metric value for the path is increased by 1, and the sender is indicated as the next hop. RIP routers maintain only the best route (the route with the lowest metric value) to a destination. After updating its routing table, the router immediately begins transmitting routing updates to inform other network routers of the change. These updates are sent independently of the regularly scheduled updates that RIP routers send.</p><p>RIP Routing Metric</p><p>RIP uses a single routing metric (hop count) to measure the distance between the source and a destination network. Each hop in a path from source to destination is assigned a hop count value, which is typically 1. When a router receives a routing update that contains a new or changed destination network entry, the router adds 1 to the metric value indicated in the update and enters the network in the routing table. The IP address of the sender is used as the next hop.</p><p>RIP Stability Features</p><p>RIP prevents routing loops from continuing indefinitely by implementing a limit on the number of hops allowed in a path from the source to a destination. The maximum number of hops in a path is 15. If a router receives a routing update that contains a new or changed entry, and if increasing the metric value by 1 causes the metric to be infinity (that is, 16), the network destination is considered unreachable. The downside of this stability feature is that it limits the maximum diameter of a RIP network to less than 16 hops.</p><p>RIP includes a number of other stability features that are common to many routing protocols. These features are designed to provide stability despite potentially rapid changes in a network's topology. For example, RIP implements the split horizon and holddown mechanisms to prevent incorrect routing information from being propagated.</p><p>RIP Timers</p><p>RIP uses numerous timers to regulate its performance. These include a routing-update timer, a route-timeout timer, and a route-flush timer. The routing-update timer clocks the interval between periodic routing updates. Generally, it is set to 30 seconds, with a small random amount of time added whenever the timer is reset. This is done to help prevent congestion, which could result from all routers simultaneously attempting to update their neighbors. Each routing table entry has a route-timeout timer associated with it. When the route-timeout timer expires, the route is marked invalid but is retained in the table until the route-flush timer expires.</p><p>Packet Formats<br> The following section focuses on the IP RIP and IP RIP 2 packet formats illustrated in Figures 44-1 and 44-2. Each illustration is followed by descriptions of the fields illustrated. RIP Packet Format</p><p>? Command—Indicates whether the packet is a request or a response. The request asks that a router send all or part of its routing table. The response can be an unsolicited regular routing update or a reply to a request. Responses contain routing table entries. Multiple RIP packets are used to convey information from large routing tables.</p><p>? Version number—Specifies the RIP version used. This field can signal different potentially incompatible versions.</p><p>? Zero—This field is not actually used by RFC 1058 RIP; it was added solely to provide backward compatibility with prestandard varieties of RIP. Its name comes from its defaulted value: zero.</p><p>? Address-family identifier (AFI)—Specifies the address family used. RIP is designed to carry routing information for several different protocols. Each entry has an address-family identifier to indicate the type of address being specified. The AFI for IP is 2.</p><p>? Address—Specifies the IP address for the entry.</p><p>? Metric—Indicates how many internetwork hops (routers) have been traversed in the trip to the destination. This value is between 1 and 15 for a valid route, or 16 for an unreachable route.</p><p>Note: Up to 25 occurrences of the AFI, Address, and Metric fields are permitted in a single IP RIP packet. (Up to 25 destinations can be listed in a single RIP packet.)</p><p>RIP 2 Packet Format</p><p>? Command—Indicates whether the packet is a request or a response. The request asks that a router send all or a part of its routing table. The response can be an unsolicited regular routing update or a reply to a request. Responses contain routing table entries. Multiple RIP packets are used to convey information from large routing tables.</p><p>? Version—Specifies the RIP version used. In a RIP packet implementing any of the RIP 2 fields or using authentication, this value is set to 2.</p><p>? Unused—Has a value set to zero.</p><p>? Address-family identifier (AFI)—Specifies the address family used. RIPv2's AFI field functions identically to RFC 1058 RIP's AFI field, with one exception: If the AFI for the first entry in the message is 0xFFFF, the remainder of the entry contains authentication information. Currently, the only authentication type is simple password.</p><p>? Route tag—Provides a method for distinguishing between internal routes (learned by RIP) and external routes (learned from other protocols).</p><p>? IP address—Specifies the IP address for the entry.</p><p>? Subnet mask—Contains the subnet mask for the entry. If this field is zero, no subnet mask has been specified for the entry.</p><p>?Next hop—Indicates the IP address of the next hop to which packets for the entry should be forwarded.</p><p>? Metric—Indicates how many internetwork hops (routers) have been traversed in the trip to the destination. This value is between 1 and 15 for a valid route, or 16 for an unreachable route.</p><p>Note: Up to 25 occurrences of the AFI, Address, and Metric fields are permitted in a single IP RIP packet. That is, up to 25 routing table entries can be listed in a single RIP packet. If the AFI specifies an authenticated message, only 24 routing table entries can be specified. Given that individual table entries aren't fragmented into multiple packets, RIP does not need a mechanism to resequence datagrams bearing routing table updates from neighboring routers.</p><p>Summary</p><p>Despite RIP's age and the emergence of more sophisticated routing protocols, it is far from obsolete. RIP is mature, stable, widely supported, and easy to configure. Its simplicity is well suited for use in stub networks and in small autonomous systems that do not have enough redundant paths to warrant the overheads of a more sophisticated protocol.</p><p>Review Questions</p><p>Q—Name RIP's various stability features. <br> A—RIP has numerous stability features, the most obvious of which is RIP's maximum hop count. By placing a finite limit on the number of hops that a route can take, routing loops are discouraged, if not completely eliminated. Other stability features include its various timing mechanisms that help ensure that the routing table contains only valid routes, as well as split horizon and holddown mechanisms that prevent incorrect routing information from being disseminated throughout the network.</p><p>Q—What is the purpose of the timeout timer? <br> A—The timeout timer is used to help purge invalid routes from a RIP node. Routes that aren't refreshed for a given period of time are likely invalid because of some change in the network. Thus, RIP maintains a timeout timer for each known route. When a route's timeout timer expires, the route is marked invalid but is retained in the table until the route-flush timer expires.</p><p>Q—What two capabilities are supported by RIP 2 but not RIP?<br> A—RIP 2 enables the use of a simple authentication mechanism to secure table updates. More importantly, RIP 2 supports subnet masks, a critical feature that is not available in RIP.</p><p>Q—What is the maximum network diameter of a RIP network?<br> A—A RIP network's maximum diameter is 15 hops. RIP can count to 16, but that value is considered an error condition rather than a valid hop count.</p><p>This article is submitted by Kashif Raza <a target="_new" href="http://www.networkingtutorials.net">http://www.networkingtutorials.net</a>
วันจันทร์ที่ 29 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551
Three Must Have Accessories For Notebook Computers
<b>An Optical Mouse</b></p><p>Notebooks are normally equipped with touch pads which can be awkward. There's no substitute for the mouse. Notebooks are predominantly used on a static, flat surface. With wireless broadband hotspots mushrooming all over the nation's transit locations, table tops have become as much mobile computing desktops as surfaces on which lattes sit. The touch pads on notebooks are also rather vulnerable to damage by static electricity, which is a common occurrence in aircraft cabins, carpeted airport lounges and offices and will become a big problem when you're on the road and lose the function of your primary pointing device.</p><p>A good optical mouse, be it wired or wireless must be able to track movement on varying tabletop surfaces. Optical mice traditionally had problems with glossy, transparent, or light-colored surfaces, but technology has advanced to a level that these problems are almost non-existent. Although wireless mice are the trend these days, stick to a wired optical mouse by virtue that it does not require additional power or equipment to operate; as in batteries or receivers for wireless ones. You don't need extra equipment in your already-overloaded and heavy notebook bag!</p><p><b>A Multi-Device Charger And Power Adapter Combo</b></p><p>Notebooks do come with their own AC-to-DC power adapters, but notebook owners typically carry a cell phone, PDA and digital camera in addition to the notebook. It's almost impossible to carry the charging devices of all these things. Do yourself a favor by getting a multi-device charging/power adapter. Some of them even have the capability to simultaneously charge and power an additional gadget or two, giving you an extra benefit of keeping your most-used gadgets well charged up for action.</p><p><b>Built-In Wireless (Wifi) Connectivity Or PC Card</b></p><p>Notebook owners are generally mobile information warriors. It is almost impossible to ignore the wireless revolution going around; WiFi and soon, WiMAX Hotspots abound wherever you go. Instant access to the Internet's unlimited resources and communicative offerings are just a little electronic card away.</p><p>If your notebook does not have built-in WiFi, get a PC card version which is often sold for less than $30 at computer stores. Plugging in a WiFi PC card means you can access the Web, read and send your emails, instant-message your colleagues,family,buddies, broadcast your vacation video/photos or company presentations, and retrieve company information on secure virtual private networks anywhere, anytime you are around a hotspot, in broadband speed.</p><p>Lynn Chan helps new owners learn about proper notebook care and use. To learn more, visit <a target="_new" href="http://www.notebook-computer-infocenter.com">http://www.notebook-computer-infocenter.com</a>. For a limited time, get the free tutorial "5 Days To A Healthier Notebook Computer" at <a target="_new" href="http://www.notebook-computer-infocenter.com/5days-to-a-healthier-notebook.html">http://www.notebook-computer-infocenter.com/<br>5days-to-a-healthier-notebook.html</a>
What is Blu-Ray DVD
Video technology has increased significantly over the past years, and is continuing to grow at an incredible rate. Digital Video Disc's aka DVD's are the most likely the last big jump in consumer video technology that everyone is familiar with. To keep up with the ever advancing world of electronics a new format of video storage will be released soon called Blu-ray.</p><p>Blu-Ray is a next generation optical disc that will blow the socks off of what we all know today: DVD. Conventional DVD's use a red laser that have long wave lengths, which limits the storage capacity on a disc. Blu-Ray uses a blue laser which has much shorter wave lengths. Because the wave lengths on the Blu-Ray are much smaller it can focus on a spot with much greater precision, allowing for data to be packed much more tightly than the red laser DVD's.</p><p>Blu-Ray discs can hold up to 50GB's of information which 10 times that of a 4.5GB DVD. 10 times the storage will greatly increase the amount of information that we can save on any one disc and will change the way we save information. Dual Layer Blu-Ray discs will be able to hold up to 4 hours of High-Definition Video. High Definition video is going to hit big here, Blu-Ray is an example of a technology that is going to make it happen. 50GB is probably comparable to size of many of our hard-drives, and to picture having all of that information on a small disc that we can slide into a pocket and take wherever we want is a bit scary.</p><p>Expect to see Blu-Ray replacing DVD and VCR over the next few years, following along with the transition of video to High Definition Video. Video isn't the only thing that will benefit from Blu-Ray technology; I would expect that it will also become the standard for PC and other types of storage.</p><p>--</p><p>Feel free to reprint this article as long as you keep the following caption and author biography in tact with all hyperlinks.</p><p><b>Ryan Fyfe</b> is the owner and operator of <a target="_new" href="http://www.videos-area.com" target="_blank">Videos Area</a> Which is a great web directory and information center on Videos and video technology such as dvd and blu-ray.
Ink Cartridges - A Humble Beginning
Computers and their accompanying printers were huge years ago. In the past toner reservoirs and toner cartridges were used instead of ink cartridges like those used now. It was difficult to fill a toner cartridge and it was very messy.</p><p>Toner cartridges were an improvement. Print wheels and ribbons were used in some printers. Computers are now more compact and the printers do more than just print in some cases. Printer cartridges now have self-contained reservoirs. Refilling some printer cartridges now is not as messy as adding toner was.</p><p>Printer cartridges are available in two types. Primarily Hewlett-Packard and Epson printers used the first type the Piezo Electric. An applied electric current is put to a small crystal causing it to expand approximately every five microseconds (20,000 per second).</p><p>The inkjet ink squirts out through the print heads very fast and very precisely because of this expansion. Because Piezo Electric has fewer print heads than bubble jet/thermal printers it can do more precise action and tends to last longer. Bubble jet cartridges heats the ink rapidly into a bubble and then squirts it through ink nozzles thousands of times per second.</p><p>Bubble jet printers are less noisy than the Piezo based printers. You can expect really high resolution color printing from it. Inkjet has ink squirted through the nozzles as they move over a variety of media, not mega pixel method. Various colored liquid ink is squirted at the paper to create an image. The page gets scanned by the print head horizontally by a motor assembly that rolls the paper vertically.</p><p>A strip of an image is printed and the paper moves toward the next step. It not only prints a strip across the page it also prints vertical rows of pixels in each pass for speed. There are a number of types of inkjet technology. Ink in small drops are squirted onto the paper through tiny nozzles in drop on demand (DOD).</p><p>It resembles turning a hose off and on 5,000 times a second. How much ink is dropped on the page and which nozzle fires and when is controlled by the driver software program. The ink may smudge after printing is one problem with inkjet technology. With the development of new ink compositions, this is progressing.</p><p>Ink is discharged onto the paper in the Thermal Technology of printing. This process has three stages. In stage one the squirt begins when the ink is heated to create a bubble. When the pressure is initiated the bubble breaks and</p><p>The resulting vacuum draws out the ink from the reservoir to replace what was ejected. Printers used to be costly because the print heads that would imprint the image on the paper was within the printer. Printers are cheap now but the expense comes when you need to buy cartridges.</p><p>You could almost conclude it would almost be worth it to buy a new printer instead of the cartridges because the price of the cartridges can be more than the cost of the most basic inkjet printers.</p><p>Though the current price of cartridges is expensive the complex technology they contain will end up being cheaper in the long run than it would be to continually replace printer heads.</p><p>Now print heads are contained within the cartridges themselves. It's exciting because if you use the correct cartridges for your printer you could have it for a very long time. Color cartridges work the same way as black cartridges by squirting the ink through tiny nozzles onto the paper in horizontal strips while they move across the page.</p><p>There are three individual reservoirs in color cartridges, one is filled with cyan, the other with magenta, and the other with yellow ink. The quality of the image can be influenced by a lot of things. The quality of the paper can affect the image you get. The image you get can be affected by both brightness and absorption of the ink.</p><p>Brightness indicates the vividness of the print image and absorption is how effectively the paper absorbs the ink. When using an inkjet printer, it is best to use paper specifically designed for its use. The best possible image can be possible with the use of the proper paper.</p><p>Things that can affect your printing project are display properties settings and/or printer settings. You may want to leave your documents alone to dry for awhile depending on the paper you use and your printer. Most printers have an ink saver setting that puts out less ink which will allow documents to dry faster. You should have knowledge of how your printer operates.</p><p><b>About the Author<br> </b>Martin Smith is a successful freelance writer providing advice for consumers on purchasing a variety of <a target="_new" href="http://www.best-price-printer-cartridges.com/discount-ink-cartridges.html">Discount ink cartridges</a> which includes <a target="_new" href="http://www.best-price-printer-cartridges.com/cheap-ink-cartridge.html">Cheap ink cartridge</a>, if you have time drop by his site for some tips and information.
How to Add or Remove an IDE ROM drive
CD ROMS - If you're adding or removing an internal cd-rom, dvd-rom, or just about any internal ROM that has an opening CD door, read on. Almost all IDE devices such as CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, etc. including burners and dvd burners are all installed or removed in the same fashion. If you're removing your rom, first remove the scrues from both sides of the rom. Make sure both sides are removed or you won't be able to get the device out. Once the scrues are off, unplug the drive; both the IDE ribbon cable that goes to your mainboard and your power cable. You may also have another wire running from your cd-rom to your sound card. This wire enables sound to play from your rom drive to your sound card, so when you play a cd on your drive you can hear it. Yank all cables running to the drive, then remove it. Simple.</p><p>To add a drive, first you must mount the drive in the correct position and remove the IDE bracket on the front of the case. An IDE bracket is just a simple piece of plastic on the front of your case. When removed, your drive can then be accesible from your case's front. Remove one such plastic bracket by simply pulling at it and it will come loose, then mount your drive inside the case with the door facing frontwards. Now, your drive will not stay in that position unless you mount it with some scrues, so do so to both sides of the drive. Then, connect an IDE ribbon cable to one side of the ROM. The other side of the cable should run to the secondary IDE slot on your motherboard. If you're not sure which is which, the primary is the one that runs to your master (primary) hard drive, and the secondary runs to your rom drives. You can connect up to two rom drives on one cable, as it will have one end that connects to your board, one end that connects to a drive, and a middle connector for another drive. Run a power cable to the drive as well. As for connecting a sound cable - it can be done, but it really is not required. Should you need to listen to music from your cd player, you're better off just copying the music to your hard drive, then listening to it. This will cut down on your used system resources, and for slower PCs skipping will be eliminated.</p><p>I am a young, aspiring computer engineer into Internet Marketing, hardware, software, web design, SEO and just about anything related to computers. Please come check out my growing PC forum at <a target="_new" href="http://www.markspcforum.com">http://www.markspcforum.com</a>
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 28 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551
The Printer Cartridge Wars: Generic or Remanufactured Cartridges Right for You?
<b>Overview</b></p><p>As "generic", "remanufactured", and "new compatible" inkjet printer cartridges and laser toner cartridges creep deeper into the printer accessories market, the choices become varied and often confusing. It is estimated that by the year 2004 the aftermarket share of the inkjet and toner cartridge market will exceed 11% of the estimated 12 billion dollar printer accessory market [source: CART magazine, March 2001] Here's a look at what all these terms mean, and an examination of the upside and downside of using non-"brand name" printer cartridge products in your printer.</p><p><b>Terminology</b></p><p>First, let's examine the terminology. When shopping online for a new inkjet or toner cartridge for your printer, you'll likely encounter these terms:</p><p><b>OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) or brand name products</b></p><p>A "brand name" inkjet or toner cartridge is just that - it's a printer cartridge that carries the brand name of the manufacturer on it, usually the same as the printer manufacturer, for example, Epson, Canon, Hewlett Packard, etc.</p><p><b>New compatible, off-brand or generic products</b></p><p>A "new compatible", "off-brand" or "generic" inkjet or toner cartridge is manufactured by a company other than the original printer manufacturer. There are a large number of these "new compatible" manufacturers, and it's quite true that the quality of their product can vary (more on that a bit later). In the case of inkjet cartridges, "generic" cartridges are completely new. In the case of toner cartridges, to qualify as "new compatible" the toner drum must be replaced with a brand new drum, as well as all major parts serviced and replaced as needed.</p><p><b>Remanufactured products</b></p><p>A "remanufactured" inkjet or toner cartridge, by definition, is a cartridge which has been serviced, cleaned, refilled with toner or ink and possibly had a few component parts repaired or replaced. In many cases, remanufactured toner cartridges do not have new drums; they instead refurbish the original drum and send it out for another cycle.</p><p><b>An Important Note About Toner Cartridges</b></p><p>The relatively unknown truth is that almost all laser toner cartridges, including most of the original brand name "new" cartridges, have been remanufactured to some extent. The defining point is to what degree they have had component parts repaired and/or replaced. For example: check the box for a brand new Hewlett Packard Laser Jet 4000/27X. Brand new, right? Well, it is. But check the fine print, which says: This newly manufactured product may contain parts and materials recovered from the HP planet partners recycling program. This means that the product, while "new", is possibly not completely new; it's quite probable that components of this cartridge have been used before, and have been recycled.</p><p><b>Quality vs. Cost</b></p><p>It's a fact: the cost of brand name inkjet and toner cartridges can be exceedingly high in comparison to generic or remanufactured inkjet or toner cartridges. In many cases, new compatible inkjet cartridges can be as much as 70% less than the cost of brand name cartridges. New compatible or remanufactured toner cartridges on the whole tend to be as much as 50% less in cost than their brand name counterparts. For example, an Epson T013201 black inkjer cartridge, used for various Epson Stylus printers, sells for $17.09 direct from Epson. The same cartridge, compatible, at an online retailer, Abacus24-7 (http://www.abacus24-7.com), sells for $4.95. The difference....70% in savings.(Prices as of August 2005)</p><p>What's the catch?</p><p>Well, there really isn't one, if you find a quality off-brand product you can purchase from an online merchant you can trust, one who stands by their product in those rare cases that generic or remanufactured products don't perform as well as you expect. Brand name cartridges cost much more than generics primarily because of the marketing and advertising budgets most OEM manufacturers spend in promoting their products; a cost most smaller manufacturers don't have. And then there's the issue of your printer warranty - we'll discuss that issue a little bit later.</p><p><b>Inkjet Cartridges: Performance</b></p><p>Generic or new compatible inkjet cartridges are in general highly reliable and perform as well as, or nearly as well as, brand name cartridges. Latest technologies and adherence to ISO 9001 codes (internationally recognized standards for quality assurance) by most producers of generic cartridges has increased the overall reliability of these aftermarket products in relation to your typical brand cartridges. In particular, Epson and Canon new compatibles are highly reliable, as the technology required to duplicate the performance of their cartridges is minimal (with the exception of the very latest Epson cartridges with the "computer chip"). In terms of print life (how many pages they print) generics stack up pretty well - usually within plus or minus 5% of the life of your typical brand name cartridge.</p><p>High quality photographic printing is the one area where generic cartridges are occasionally suspect. The quality of the inks used by the manufacturer play a significant role here - lower grade ink which doesn't have the same density or brilliance and consistency of color can produce inferior results in the most high-demand cases. Although most manufacturers of generics have moved away from inferior inks, we recommend you ask your online merchant about the quality of the inks used by their supplier, if you are doing this kind of high-quality photographic printing. In particular, the inks should be made in the U.S.A.. With good ink your results should be just fine.</p><p>Remanufactured Inkjet cartridges are another subject. Primarily you will only find remanufactured Inkjet cartridges for Hewlett Packard, Lexmark and Dell, as these companies have meticulously patented (and subsequently filed suit against anyone who tried to duplicate) their inkjet cartridge designs. There are no true "generics" for HP or Dell inkjet printers.</p><p>Remanufactured cartridges are a huge cost value over new cartridges - usually over 50% less - and for every day printing work just fine. The failure rate of remanufactured cartridges is slightly higher than new product, however, and so it's important your online merchant guarantees their product to cover the occasional return. For typical printing, remanufactured inkjet cartridges can be the right choice over new ones. Lately, Dell computers and printers are increasing in popularity. Dell's popular models include the Color 720, and All-in-One a920, a940, and a960 models. Direct from Dell, one can buy an OEM cartridge, for example the color cartridge (X0504) for the Dell a940 printer for $34.99 from www.dell.com. The same cartridge, yet remanufactured, sells online for $23.95 at Abacus24-7 (http://www.abacus24-7.com).(Prices as of August 2005)</p><p><b>Laser Toner Cartridges: Performance</b></p><p>As with generic or new compatible inkjet cartridges, new compatible toner cartridges are for the most part highly reliable and provide a noticeable cost savings over brand new toner cartridges. Again, ISO 9001 standards have greatly increased the consistency and reliability of the aftermarket toner product in recent years. Further, many new compatible toner manufacturers increase the volume of toner in the cartridge, providing for a longer print life. Quality new compatible cartridges will have new or replaced mag sleeves, wiper blades, and magnet tips.</p><p>Remanufactured toner cartridges in general have a less stringent set of criteria applied to them, and as mentioned before may not contain a new toner drum. Be sure to ask your supplier. It is our humble recommendation that you go with toner cartridges that have a new aftermarket drum, as opposed to a refurbished or recycled drum. Lastly, ask if the new drum is "high density". You want that.</p><p>Color laser new compatible toner cartridges are just coming to market, and although early feedback seems to indicate a positive outlook, an evaluation of these cartridges is premature at this time.</p><p><b>Good for the Country, Good for the Environment</b></p><p>If you care about recycling or the good of the Country's economy, consider these facts:</p><p>- 99% of new compatible toner cartridges are manufactured in the USA; most "OEM" brand cartridges are manufactured overseas</p><p>- Nearly 40,000 tons of plastic are saved from our nation's landfills each year, by remanufacture of inkjet and toner cartridges</p><p>- It takes on average 2 quarts of oil to manufacture a Brand New Toner cartridge but less than half of that amount to manufacture a new compatible toner cartridge</p><p><b>Your Printer Warranty and You</b></p><p>A legitimate concern of many people is whether using generic or remanufactured cartridges in their printer voids the printer's warranty. The answer is no. The following is a partial quote of the text of the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Improvement Act, which deals with this exact question:</p><p>MAGNUSON-MOSS WARRANTY IMPROVEMENT ACT</p><p>United States Code Annotated</p><p>Title 15 Commerce and Trade</p><p>Chapter 50 Consumer Product Warranties</p><p>15 Section 2032</p><p>... (c) No warrantor of a consumer product may condition his written or implied warranty of such product on the consumer's using, in connection with such product, any article or service (other than article or service provided without charge under the terms of the warranty) which is identified by brand, trade or corporate name; except that the prohibition of this subsection be waived by the commission if:</p><p>1) The warrantor satisfies the Commission that the warranted product will function properly only if the article or service so identified is used in connection with the warranted product, and</p><p>2) the Commission finds that such a waiver is in the public interest.</p><p>In English, this means that no warranty may be voided by use of aftermarket products unless the manufacturer acquires a waiver that clearly shows such voidance would be in the public interest, or that their product will only function properly if the specified manufacturer parts are used.</p><p>There is one catch, however: the manufacturer (in this case your printer manufacturer) is not compelled to repair their product under warranty if damage done to the product occurred as a direct result of using aftermarket parts. In other words, using generic cartridges is fine, and if your printer ever fails under conditions which have nothing to do with the cartridge you are using, no problem. However, if the damage is directly caused (however unlikely) by the use of a generic cartridge, the warrantor may elect not to repair it, although the warranty would remain in effect for all other warranty issues.</p><p><b>Conclusion</b></p><p>In general, aftermarket generic and new compatible or remanufactured printer cartridge products are an excellent way to cut significant costs from your every day small business or personal printing expense, while maintaining quality printing results. Those who need extremely high quality printing (such as photographers and artists) can, with a little trial-and-error testing of different generic cartridge products, find a product which provides the quality results you need.</p><p>In all cases, be sure to buy your cartridges from an online supplier who 100% guarantees their product without question, and isn't afraid to answer your questions when it comes to the quality and reliability of their products.</p><p>Written by David Amerman also published by <a target="_new" href="http://www.About.com">About.com</a>
Learn How To Diagnose Power Supply Problems
The Power Supply convert's your regular household current into low DC voltage used by the computer. When this component fails,there is simply no activity going on wih your computer.Remember to do the easy troubleshooting first.Inspect the Power Supply for any damage.Double-Check all connections.</p><p>Learning how to check your power supply and how to replace it when needed can be a life saver if you're a computer buff or in business with the trusted PC.Don't take for granted the simple pleasure of turning on your PC and everything works just fine.</p><p>We turned on one of our computers recently and in about one hour,it just re-booted itself.And it continued doing so about 10 times a day until we found out the power supply was the culprit.Things to look for when your power supply is going bad or just dies on you are the following.</p><p>NO POWER TO THE COMPUTER</p><p>Here you must first check the wall outlet for power by connecting another device such as a radio or lamp to be sure power is present.If the computer is connected through a surge protector,check it as well.</p><p>If the wall out has power,check the power cable going to the PC to see if AC voltage is making its way to the system unit.Do this with the use of a multimeter.</p><p>If there is power,you will have to open the PC and check for power from the power supply to the motherboard.</p><p>When using a multimeter to check voltage,be sure you have a good ground for the black lead of the multimeter.</p><p>RE-BOOTING PROBLEMS</p><p>One main problem you may face with an ailing Power Supply is that it may re-boot the computer without any warning.All information is lost and it seems as though this happens at the worst possible time.</p><p>Booting errors when the computer first start's up is another indicator of this component going on the blink.</p><p>POWER DISTRIBUTION PROBLEMS</p><p>When the power supply begins to fail,you may receive power at one device and not another.For example,the Hard Drive may receive power but the CDROM Drive has nothing at all.</p><p>Another headache with would cause re-booting is the intermittent power going to the drives or the motherboard itself.Follow the steps below to check your power supply should you experience some of the above problems.</p><p>CHECKING THE POWER SUPPLY</p><p>If the wall outlet,and the power cord are good,make sure the connection at the motherboard is secure.Then you may have to face the fact that the power supply itself is bad.If you have a Multimeter you can test the power supply output before purchasing a new one.Simply follow these steps.</p><p>Turn off the PC,but do not unplug it,open the system unit. Set the multimeter to read DC volts in the next range higher than 12 volts.Locate a power connector similair to the hard drive,or cdrom drive connector that is unused and turn on the PC.</p><p>You can also unplug a drive connector and use it as well.Turn on the PC and insert the BLACK probe into the power connector on one of the BLACK wires.Touch the RED probe to the YELLOW wire on the power connector.</p><p>The multimeter reading should be +12 volts Now touch the RED probe to the RED wire and the reading should be +5 volts.If no readings or different readings occured,you'll have to replace the power supply.If the readings were correct,you should check the P8 or P9 connectors at the motherboard. These connectors may also be named P4 and P5.To check these connectors,perform the following...</p><p>Insert the BLACK probe into P8 at one of the BLACK wires. Insert the RED probe into the P8 connector at the RED wire. The reading on the multimeter should be +5 volts</p><p>Check the power going to the Motherboard connections by inserting the RED probe into P8 at the YELLOW wire and you should get +12 volts.Leave the BLACK wire touching the black wire at the P8 connector.Check the BLUE wire and the reading should be a -12 volts.</p><p>Now move the BLACK probe to the BLACK wire on the P9 connector.Test the WHITE wire by inserting the RED probe and the reading should be -5 volts.Check the RED wires on the P9 connector and you should get +5 volts on each red wire.You won't get exactly 5 or 12 volts but the readings will be very close, such as 5.02 volts.</p><p>If the Power Supply is a couple of volts off,in either direction,such as when the RED wire should be reading -5 volts but it reads -8 volts,or if there are no readings,replace the power supply.</p><p>DO NOT remove the power supply from the system unit case when performing these tests.DO NOT perform these tests if you do not feel comfortable.Be sure to remove any and all electrical static build-up from your clothes and body BEFORE touching any parts inside the system unit.And NEVER open the power supply case for any reason,since high voltage may be present.</p><p>About The Author</p><p>Otis F. Cooper is solely dedicated to boosting the knowledge and confidence of every computer user that is serious about knowing computers.Use his informative articles and videos to understand every aspect about the PC. Read more about his formula for pc training at <a href="http://www.ultimatepcrepair.com" target="_new">http://www.ultimatepcrepair.com</a></p><p><a href="mailto:allaboutpc@juno.com">allaboutpc@juno.com</a>
Heliodisplay --Computer Video With No Screen
Science-Fiction meets reality with this new video display technology.</p><p>The Heliodisplay includes patented and patent pending technology to transform normal ambient air and display video images into free-space. Some Heliodisplay models are interactive allowing a finger or hand to move images around in the air as if one were grabbing a tangible object.</p><p>The Heliodisplay requires a power outlet, and a computer, TV, DVD or alternate video source. The current version of the Heliodisplay projects a 22' to 42' (depending on model) diagonal image that floats above the device.</p><p>The Heliodisplay system is backward compatible and accepts most 2D video sources (PC,TV, DVD, HDTV, Video game consoles). For connection to a computer, the Heliodisplay uses a standard monitor VGA connection; for TV or DVD viewing, it connects using a standard RGB video cable.</p><p>Interest in this new technology has been so strong, that curious visitors have crashed IO2Technology's website.</p><p>Obvious Applications : <LI>Advertising and Promotion, e.g.: trade shows; in-store displays; museum, movie and casino displays; theme parks. <LI>Collaborative Decision Making, e.g.: board meetings and presentations; command and control; architectural and engineering design; teleconferencing. <LI>Simulation & Training, e.g.: virtual targets; pre-operative planning. <LI>Consumer, e.g.: video games; home theatre.</LI></p><p>Less Obvious Examples: <LI>Transparent teleprompter. <LI>Heads-up displays in new fields. <LI>Build one into a door jamb and have a walk through image or virtual privacy screen. <LI>An in-store end cap advertising display and demonstration through which the customer can reach and grab shown product. <LI>Build the Heliodisplay into furniture, e.g. project from desk.</LI></p><p>While the new video capability will doubtless usher in a new era in computing and home entertainment, I wouldn't rush out and buy one just yet. That is, unless of course you have a burning desire to part with some extra cash in hurry.</p><p>I haven't seen the system in person, so I can't say for sure, but the old computer axiom of "Never buy version 1.0 of anything." probably applies here.</p><p>Odds are that the price is out of line for most people. Also, all the kinks in the system are most likely not perfected yet.</p><p>I get this impression because IO2Technology is taking only limited numbers of orders right now. This tells me that the company has limited production capacity and is not fully prepared for demand. They probably haven't sold enough units yet, to account for all possible system configurations and usage scenarios. So for now, I'd steer clear of buying one for home or small business.</p><p>Still, the announcement is impressive because it is bound to create another era of "Star Trek" type innovations and change some of the ways that we react with our computers and televisions.</p><p><a href="http://www.io2technology.com/technology/overview" target="_blank">Visit The Heliodisplay Website</a></p><p><a href="http://pub9.bravenet.com/forum/747426340" target="_blank">Discuss The Heliodisplay On The PDA and Mobile Today Forum</a></p><p>Steve Bralovich runs a Pocket PC and Smartphone development company. Visit the weblog at: <a href="http://pdatoday.blogspot.com" target="_blank">http://pdatoday.blogspot.com</a> for lots of information on Computers, PDAs, Notebooks and SmartPhones.
A Guide to Refurbished Laptops
Computing freedom, independence, and mobility don't have to come with a hefty price tag.</p><p>Manufacturers refurbish laptop computers that have been returned. The laptop might have a scratched screen or other minor blemish. In some cases, the laptop was an unwanted gift or its packaging was dented. The laptop is inspected by the manufacturer, tested for quality, and repackaged for sale at a much lower price.</p><p>While many new laptops can cost thousands of dollars, most refurbished laptop computers usually cost less than a couple of grand, and often less than $500. In most cases, they are as good as new and have a very low return rate. They even come with guarantees and warranties, just as you would expect with a new model.</p><p>A refurbished laptop can satisfy most people's basic computing needs, such as word processing, running software, reading e-mail, creating spreadsheets, playing CDs, surfing the Internet, and more. Laptops allow access to all these features from anywhere.</p><p>All laptop manufacturers offer refurbished laptops, including such popular brands as Dell, IBM, Toshiba, and HP.</p><p>Computer prices are affected by type of processor, operating system, modem, and network card; size of the hard drive and RAM (Random Access Memory); and whether there is a CD/DVD-ROM/RW, a video card, a sound card, and zip drive. Prices are also affected by screen size and type of chassis.</p><p>The price will be affected by all these specifications, along with how well preserved the chassis is, the name of the manufacturer, and whether you acquire the laptop form the factory or through a private dealer. Private dealers charge less, but beware: not all dealers are up to par with their refurbishing skills. Be sure to go to one that is reputable and experienced.</p><p><a target="_new" href="http://www.i-refurbishedlaptops.com">Refurbished Laptops Info</a> provides detailed information on quality, cheap refurbished laptops by manufacturers like Dell, IBM, Toshiba, and HP, as well as refurbished laptop batteries and related products. Refurbished Laptops Info is the sister site of <a target="_new" href="http://www.e-rackmountcomputer.com">Rack Mount Computers Web</a>.
Printer Cartridge Economics -- Four Ways To Make Your Ink Last Longer
Printer cartridge overheads can be a major expense for any busy office -- and even if you're working at home, it's important to factor in the amount you spend on your printer ink when assessing the cost of running a home-based business. And what you spent on that bargain-priced printer may turn out to be only a fraction of what you pay annually in printer supplies.</p><p>A family household may have several printers on the go, each requiring its own specialist cartridges. The kids are doing their homework, researching information online and printing off reference material before drafting and printing homework papers. Digital photography is great, but grandma doesn't have a computer (let alone an e-mail account!), so you're making high quality prints of your son's graduation ceremony to mail to her. And you have to proofread some important work documents by tomorrow -- and you know you can't check text accurately from the computer monitor, so ...</p><p>If you're anything like me, you can't imagine working without the support that a personal printer provides. But while the search for reliable but cheap printer ink never ends, there are some strategies you can adopt to economize on ink use and lower your budget for replacement cartridges.</p><p><li>Use draft print quality where you can. Go to File -- Print to open the box that lists the settings for your printer. Click 'Properties' to bring up the various options available. You'll probably find different choices under the heading 'Paper/Quality' that allow you to select draft quality printing. Your document will print at a lower resolution but that may not matter for reference material that you will likely discard later.</li></p><p><li>Choose black and white printing over color when possible. Depending on your printer, you may have the option to select grayscale printing using the black ink cartridge only. If you're not doing presentation quality work, chances are you won't need the other colors.</li></p><p><li>If you're dealing with a long document, print two sheets to a page if you can. Your printer may allow you to print two pages side by side in 'landscape' orientation -- and you'll save on paper costs too.</li></p><p><li>Modern personal printers can produce high quality photographs, particularly if you use specialist photo paper. But printing high quality digital shots can use a lot of ink -- so think about outsourcing your photo printing to a local print center. Many services allow you to order your prints online and can mail them to you if you can't collect them yourself. You can often have your photos printed on calendars, mouse mats or greeting cards, if you wish.</li></p><p>Reduce your inkjet or toner costs by economizing on ink when you can -- and keep your ink supplies ready for those occasions when high quality presentation counts.</p><p>Nigel Patterson is a business writer and the publisher of <a target="_new" href="http://printer-ink-2u.com">Printer-Ink-2u.com</a>.</p><p>His many articles provide useful tips and advice for online purchasers of <a target="_new" href="http://www.printer-ink-2u.com/ink-cartridges.shtml">inkjet cartridges</a> and <a target="_new" href="http://www.printer-ink-2u.com/laser-toner.shtml">laser toner</a>, as well as other printer supplies.
Understanding Transistor Data and Replacement
If, for some reason, you can't get an exact replacement for the transistor that you want to replace, you can refer to one of the transistor substitution guides or book, and try to identify a "near replacement". Beware, however. A substitution guide will sometimes list a replacement for your part, even though the two parts are not very similar. The most commonly used transistor substitution guides is the Philips ECG semiconductors Master Replacement Guide. Selecting the right transistor parameters or specifications for the equipment you repair will avoid callbacks from customers. Callbacks or repeated repairs due to wrong transistor substitution will cost you extra money and a waste of time.</p><p>Some important transistor parameters are:</p><p>Maximum collector-to-base voltage (VCBO) ? The replacement part should have a VCBO rating equal to or higher than the original.</p><p>Maximum collector-to-emitter voltage (VCEO) ? The replacement part should have a VCEO rating equal to or higher than the original.</p><p>Maximum emitter-to-base voltage (VEBO) ? The replacement part should have a VEBO rating equal to or greater than the original.</p><p>Maximum collector current (IC) ? The replacement part should be able to handle as much (or more) collector current as the original.</p><p>Power dissipation (PD Watts) ? The replacement part should be able to dissipate as much (or more) power as the original part.</p><p>Gain (hFE) ? The replacement should have a gain equal to or better than the original and it should be as close to the original specification as possible.</p><p>Gain-bandwidth (fT) ? the replacement should have a transition frequency equal to or faster than the original and it should be as close to the original specification as possible.</p><p>Below is a table of application requirement and important specification that you can use for guidelines when comes to transistor substitution.</p><p>Application Requirement and Important Specifications</p><p>1. General purpose low level amplifier and switching transistors. Spec- hFE, IC (max), fT, VCEO</p><p>2. Power switching applications. Spec- VCEO, VCBO, hFE, IC (max), PD (max)</p><p>3. Low level IF/RF amplification. Spec- IC (max), fT, VCEO</p><p>4. Audio amplification. Spec- IC (max), PD (max), hFE, VCEO</p><p>5. High voltage transistors. Spec- VCEO, VCBO, IC (max), fT</p><p>Remember, the replacement transistor should not run hot and if problem still persist, try another replacement number or get the original number if possible. Do not overlook that the surrounding components also may caused the transistor to run hot even if original number is used.</p><p>Jestine Yong is a electronic repairer and writer. For more information about electronic repair please visit his website at <a target="_new" href="http://www.noahtec.com">http://www.noahtec.com</a>
Using System Restore to Save Yourself from Formatting Your Hard Drive
It is the most annoying thing when one day you use your computer and nothing seems to work fine. Program freezes, files get corrupted or internet doesn't work. You called the customer support or some friends you know who's very much familiar with computer and still didn't solve the problem.</p><p>There could be one to many things why this happens, you probably came across with spy- wares or dangerous ad-wares or even virus when you were working on that computer last time, but whatever the reason is, your only main concern is to get it up and running so you can go on with your work.</p><p>You tried everything and the only hope you can think of now is to format your computer. Formatting is the last and ultimate solution you should resort into. You just don't format a computer like your deleting a file. You need to back up all your software data, personal documents, pictures, other folders you may feel important, and of course you got to look for those original installation disk for your devices such as printers, scanners or any other device hooked up in your computer, these are called drivers. If your computer came with original recovery disks then you need that too, recovery disks are usually bundled with your branded computer system, such as HP, Dell, Gateway or any other leading computer manufacturer and if you have them, its as easy as putting the CD recovery disks and running it, it will do the rest of the process for you.</p><p>If your recovery disk is gone or you didn't have one then this is what this article is for. Your only savior is to go back to the most recent settings that worked, in other words yesterday's settings. Microsoft provides an effective way to somehow backup your computer settings and configuration, this is called System Restore. System Restore has the ability to create a restore point wherein every once a week or two depending on how often you install or uninstall updates and programs. The following steps will walk you through the process of setting up your restore point and how to go back if you need it.</p><p>Start by going to Start->Programs->Accessories->System Tools, and then open System Restore.</p><p>On the right side panel it will give you an option to Create Restore point or Restore my computer to an earlier time.</p><p>Choose Create Restore Point, and then put your description, hit next then put in the date you want to go back to, then hit "Create" and that's it. You just save yourself on formatting your computer in the future.</p><p>Guil Tabasa is a consultant for <a target="_new" href="http://altertekonline.com">Altertek Solutions</a>; he has been in the consulting business for more than 7 years now. He has helped small and medium businesses add value to their business that directly contributes to their revenue. You can email <a href="mailto:mcguiliver@hotmail.com">Guil</a>
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Printers: What Really Happens When You Hit ?Print?
You just poured hours upon hours into a lengthy research paper. All that's left to do is print it out. And that's the easy part, right? Sure looks easy from the user perspective, but it's actually quite complicated. A series of critical processes kick off as soon as you kit the OK button.</p><p>The first thing that happens is your software application (MS Word, Excel, etc) sends the data you want to print to your printer driver. The printer driver is nothing more than some software that translates data into a format that your specific printer can understand. When you buy a new printer, it generally comes with a CD. On that CD is the printer driver software you need to enable your specific printer to talk to your computer.</p><p>The printer driver takes the translated data and physically sends it along to your printer. It's able to connect to the printer via the USM connection interface. Much of the data received by the printer goes directly into the printer buffer, where it is stored. By storing the data within the printer itself you're able to finish the print job quickly.</p><p>If you just turned your printer on for the first time in a while or if the printer has been standing idle for a while, the printer will run through a series of diagnostic tests. Some of these tests check he availability of ink, while others clean the print heads.</p><p>Once this preprinting step completes, your printer brain sends a message to the paper stepper motor telling it to engage the rollers and feed paper into the printer body. As the paper is being fed into the machine, the belt pulls the print head into "ready" position. When the paper is perfectly positioned, the print head goes to town, firing droplets of ink at the paper. With incredible speed and accuracy, the print head travels back and forth across the page spewing colors. When it reaches the end of the page, the stepper is quickly engaged, advancing the paper forward. This process continues until the print job is complete.</p><p>Bill Smith is a printer expert. Visit his website at <a target="_new" href="http://www.buythebestbuy.com">http://www.buythebestbuy.com</a> to learn more about printers and ink cartridges.
The Making of Energy Efficient Datacenters
The Crooked E: The Unshredded Truth About Enron is a wonderful movie to watch. It is based on the book, The anatomy of greed, written by a former employee of Enron, Brian Cruver. One interesting thing that comes on our minds is the size of all power companies. They are all huge. We all depend on power for just about everything and yet very rarely do we think about conserving energy. A typical PC for example takes about 135 watts of power. A data center with about a 1000 servers should typically take about 135 x 1000 Watts or 135 Kilowatts and that would just power the computers. This does not include the air-conditioning and lighting. According to to a research paper sponsored by The California Energy Commission in a datacenter about 50% of the total energy consumed is by the servers and about 35% is the air conditioners. <br> Here are some interesting research done in this field - <br> <ul> Feeling the heat- An interesting paper by Liebert describing the challenge of effectively managing the heat dissipation in datacenters. </li> </ul> <ul> Heat-Density Trends in Data Processing, Computer Systems, and Telecommunications Equipment- This white paper provides valuable current data and best available insights regarding historical and projected trends in power consumption and the resulting heat dissipation in computer and data processing systems (servers and workstations), storage systems, and central office-type telecommunications equipment. <br> </ul> This problem can be solved by making better energy efficient air conditioners and by making more <b>energy efficient computers.</b> Many companies have taken a lot of interest in subject. However, nothing substantial has been done primarily because of the market requirements. The end users still want to host their sites on the fastest processors which drives the market with the latest processors. Going at this rate we would reach a time soon when the energy required would be much higher than the energy available in the market. <br> <br> Intel, AMD, Transmeta and Via have all released processors which consume very low power. A typical Pentium or AMD processor consumes about 25 Watts of power, whereas these low powered processors take only about 5 watts of power i.e. about 5 low powered processors would consume as much power as a single main stream processor of today. These low powered processors are also generally fan less processors which means lower noise levels too. Intel has the centrino which has a lower power consumption than the regular pentiums. Intel also has the arm processors but those are RISC. Our prime focus would be AMD, Transmeta and Via. They all have some very promising products.<br> <br> One thing to be noted is that most of these low powered processors work only at about 1.2GHz or lower. So they won't be as fast the pentium4s. Which means one would have to host lesser sites per server. A good recommendation would be upto a maximum of 600 sites on a regular pentium 4 server. A low powered processor should comfortably take about 200 sites. One advantage of these low powered processors is that they have a very small form factor too. This means that one can have more such servers in the same space that is typically allocated to a high powered servers. All datacenters use a profitability matrix based on the following rule: <b>Performance/Per Watt/Per Cubic Foot.</b> This is one place where the low powered processors really score high. <br> <br> <br> <b>AMD Geode? NX Processor family</b> comprises of the AMD Geode? NX 1250@6W processor, the AMD Geode? NX 1500@6W processor and the AMD Geode? NX 1750@14W processor. The first two in these consume only 6Watts of power and run without a cooling fan. According to AMD they provide the highest x86 performance for fan less operations. They are based on the mobile AMD Athlon processor technology.<br> <b><br>Transmeta</b> was one of the first companies to develop low powered processors. For a long time Transmeta was known as the company where the Microsoft co founder Paul Allen had interests in and the place where Linus Trovalds, the father Linux, worked. Both of them are no longer part of the organization. Today they are known for the two processor families they have - The transmeta crusoe and the transmeta efficeon<br> <br> Transmeta Crusoe?- processors range from 500Mhz to 1.2 Ghz. According to Transmeta,Crusoe is a unique combination of software and hardware. It's this radical design that gives Crusoe its important advantages, and manufacturers of all kinds of electronic devices their first truly innovative new platform in over 25 years. Thanks to Crusoe, mobile devices can be made smaller and lighter than ever. These new devices will be more comfortable to use, too, because Crusoe generates very little heat a problem that plagues the industry's legacy hardware-only processors. And because it uses far less power, mobile devices running on Crusoe run far longer on a single battery charge, and Crusoe-powered ultra-dense servers do far more work per watt, far more efficiently. <br> <br> Transmeta Efficeon processors are the higher end processors from Transmeta and they run at upto 1.6Ghz and have high performance I/O interfaces. They are built upon Fujitsu's next-generation 90nm silicon technology featuring transistors with a length of just 40nm. <br> <br> The entire Transmeta range not just uses the x86 instruction set, they also have full multimedia instruction support (MMX, SSE-SSE2). Transmeta has done very little in marketing in terms of selling their products for the server market. Like all other companies they have focussed on mobile products, set-top boxes etc.. While these products are great for the mobile market, they do have a great potential in the server market. FIC, JM-Net etc. have some products for the server market which run on the Transmeta processors. <br> <br> <b>Via</b>, the Taiwanese manufacturer purchased the Cyrix processors and has since gotten out of the race of faster processors with AMD and Intel. Instead they are focussing on fan less, low-powered processors. They have the Eden and the C3 range of processors. The power consumption varies from only 7watts to 15Watts. Additionally, the processors come with the PadLock Hardware Security Suite which provides a platform approach to computer security, ensuring uncompromising security performance. These features include the implementation of the Quantum-based VIA PadLock RNG (Random Number Generator), and the VIA PadLock ACE (Advanced Cryptography Engine) supporting AES encryption. <br> <br> According to Via, the VIA Eden-N Processor is the world's smallest, lowest power and most secure native x86 processor. It is a mere 15mm x 15mm in terms of size and consumes between 2.5W @ 533MHz to 7W @ 1GHz. <br> <br> <br> Via again like Transmeta has not focussed in the server market. The images above give a good idea of the benefits of this processor in the server market. For datacenters, Via may be the best in the Performance/Per Watt/Per Cubic Foot matrix.<br> <br> Companies like Hitachi make some very good low powered hard disk drives which have a very small form factor. They have both IDE's at 7200 rpm as well as SCSI hard drives. <br> <br> Many may think it is better to take higher end servers as the power or heating problem does not directly affect them. As mentioned earlier a server driven by a low-powered processor would be able to take just about 200 sites. This means that a person with 600 sites would need to take 3 such servers instead of one higher powered server. Here are some benefits of this scenario. <br> One of the biggest factors influencing the performance of sites on the internet is the <b>capability of the network card (ethernet) </b>. When all sites are hosted on just one server, they all would use the same network card to push the data. Now if these sites are distributed among 3 servers the amount of data that the sites can push would be 3 times more which means faster access to the sites. Another benefit is that if one of the site goes down all 600 people would not be effected, rather only 1/3rd the number of sites would be affected. Hence, the number of support request would be lesser. And finally, such processors are very affordable. Typically they would be just a third of the cost of regular mainstream processors. <br> <br></p><p>Amarjyoti Krishnan heads bobcares.com, a tech support company for webhosts and ISPs. He is the co-founder of Poornam Info Vision Ltd., a software and IT services company which specializes in Linux based solutions for Webhosts and ISPs. Poornam Info Vision is an ISO 9001:2000 certified company with a team of over 100 engineers.</p><p>Amarjyoti is a Computer Engineer based in India and has over 7 years of experience in the hosting industry. He has spoken and written extensively on the subject. His articles have been published both online as well as in print in magazines.</p><p><a target="_new" href="http://poornam.com">http://poornam.com</a> <br> <a target="_new" href="http://bobcares.com">http://bobcares.com</a> <br> <a target="_new" href="http://amarjyoti.com">http://amarjyoti.com</a>
What Is A Fuse? And How To Test It.
A fuse is a very thin wire, which either melts or vaporizes when too much current flows through it. The thin wire may be made of aluminum, tin-coated copper or nickel. The resulting open in the circuit stops current flow. In electronic equipment, most fuses are cylindrical glass or ceramic type with a metal cap at each end! The current rating also can be seen in one of the two metal end caps. There are two popular physical sizes: 1 ? ? X ? - inch and 5X20mm. The 1 ? ? X ? - inch size is used in many automobiles. You'll find both sizes in many electronic equipment, but the smaller 5 X 20mm has become more common. Fuses are available with current ratings from 1/500 Ampere to hundreds of amperes.</p><p>Purpose of Fuses</p><p>The purpose of a fuse is to open an electronic circuit when current flow exceeds a certain amount, determined by the rating of the fuse. Opening a circuit under high current conditions can save electronic components from damaged and prevents overheating, which could cause a fire.</p><p>Types of Fuses</p><p>There is two basic types of fuses: fast acting and slow blow. The fast acting type will open very quickly when their particular current rating is exceeded. This is important for analog meter movements, which can quickly be destroyed when too much current flows through them, for even a very small amount of time. Slow blow fuse have a coiled construction inside. They are designed to open only on a continued overload, such as a short circuit. The purpose of coiled construction is to prevent the fuse from blowing on just a temporary current surge.</p><p>Do not use a slow blow fuse in place of a fast acting fuse. It may not open fast enough to prevent components damage under a high current condition. It's not harmful to replace a slow blow fuse with a fast-acting fuse, but it will probably open up unnecessarily every now and then when the equipment is first switch on. A blown fuse can tell you something about your service problem. Often the glass case of the fuse appears clear, and you can still see the broken pieces of the fuse element. This means you have the kind of problem that causes a slow, gradual overload on the power supply. Some fuses even die of old age. But if the inside of the glass fuse is discolored, and there is no trace of the fuse element (the center connector), you know that the center connector was destroyed quickly and violently, using a lot of heat. The fault was a short circuit or other problem that caused a lot of current to flow very quickly.</p><p>Is some cases a fuse will open up fast enough when there is a surge so that other components aren't damaged. If this is the case, replacing the fuse with one of the same type and rating restores operation. Unfortunately, a high probability exists that if a fuse blew, something in the circuit it was protecting shorted out. In this case, a replacement fuse blows right away. The blown fuse can easily be replaced by a new one, after the overload has been eliminated when come into replacement. Use only the same current and voltage ratings as the original. The common type and current rating of a fuse in a monitor are slow blow 2A to 5A. When you buy replacement fuses, get several ? you can easily use all of them while you're troubleshooting an elusive problem.</p><p>Testing Fuses</p><p>Turn the power off and remove the fuse from the circuit to check with a multimeter set to the lowest ohms range. Connect the probes to both end of the fuse. You may check the fuse while it still in circuit. A good fuse should showed continuity or read 0 ohm. A blown fuse is open which reads infinity on the meter.</p><p>Jestine Yong is a electronic repairer and writer. For more information about electronic repair please visit his website at <a target="_new" href="http://www.noahtec.com">http://www.noahtec.com</a>
The Road Ahead
<P align=left>We live in an area that has begun to use Green<BR>Bins for household waste. Our regular garbage<BR>is picked up every other week and the only<BR>weekly garbage collection is our green plastic<BR>bins, to be filled with leftover food products<BR>and other organic waste. </P> <P align=left>When the program first started, I was sure<BR>we could never change our ways, but before<BR>long, depositing bones and leftover food in<BR>the bin became automatic.</P> <P align=left>Why am I telling you this? Because using the<BR>computer will also become easy for you the<BR>more you try. Sure, the learning curve is<BR>steeper than remembering which container<BR>to use for which type of garbage, but the<BR>idea is the same. Every time you perform a<BR>function or solve a problem on your computer, <BR>it will be easier than the time before.</P> <P align=left>This week, I read a book written by Bill Gates<BR>in 1996 titled 'The Road Ahead'. Gates said, <BR>"Computers frighten almost everyone<BR>(everyone but children), before they learn to<BR>use them. When people spend more time with<BR>computers, they understand them better.<BR>You can start by playing computer games or<BR>doing other simple things. Once you start<BR>using them, I think you'll like them."</P> <P align=left>With the Internet, we can keep in touch with<BR>old friends and make new ones; have virtual<BR>experiences of flying an airplane, driving a<BR>car, even dissecting a toad. Pilots and doctors<BR>practice their work without worrying about<BR>accidents. Every school can have a wonderful<BR>library thanks to the Internet. </P> <P align=left>Gates saw then how much our world would<BR>change because of computers. Banking and<BR>shopping online, distance learning, the ability<BR>to telecommute and work from home - all of<BR>these grew as software became better and<BR>more powerful.</P> <P align=left>Gates talked about his own futuristic house. <BR>Anyone in the house wore an electronic pin that<BR>told the house who and where you were. When<BR>it got dark, the pin would turn on lights nearby<BR>and turn them off when you went away. Music<BR>would play near you and the phone ring nearby<BR>only if the call was for you. A home control <BR>console activated choices of lighting, music,<BR>and temperature. That was in 1996, so who<BR>knows what his home is like now!</P> <P align=left>The book ended with a cartoon showing a mutt<BR>using a computer and saying "On the Internet,<BR>nobody know's you're a dog." How true - on<BR>the Internet, we are all on equal ground.</P></p>When in my 40's, the university library where I worked was computerized. The thought of using those machines at my age was so intimidating that I moved to another department. I transferred back a year later, determined to learn. <P></P> <P align=left>To my surprise, computers were easier to use than I imagined, and so enjoyable that I went back to school full-time.</P> <P align=left>(c) Carol Bremner 2003<BR><A href="mailto:cabremner@creativehomecomputing.com">cabremner@creativehomecomputing.com</A><BR>projects - hints - products<BR><A target="_new" href="http://www.creativehomecomputing.com">www.creativehomecomputing.com</A><BR>
Selecting an Ink Jet printer?With Low Operating Cost
Printer technology has made tremendous advances in the past five years. Speeds are up and print quality is great. Meanwhile, printer costs have declined.</p><p>What has not improved is the cost of ink. Printer manufacturers expected to make their profit on replacement cartridges, and they do. But in charging high prices they created another industry that they have to compete with.</p><p>Now there are generic or compatible replacements; you can buy refilled cartridges and refill kits so you can refill them yourself. Worst of all there are counterfeits. And there's a big market for all of them due to the sky-high price of OEM cartridges.</p><p>The manufacturers are full of tricks. Some of them use tiny cartridges that don't hold much ink. Most of the standard cartridges are half full of ink. They sell high capacity cartridges at premium prices that are full of ink. They run promotions on printers that have sample cartridges that barely have enough ink to try out the new printer.</p><p>These are all factors you have to consider when you buy a printer. There are makers who have addressed the problem in another way. All printers have a separate black cartridge for obvious reasons, but a few use a separate cartridge for each color. If one of the colors runs out you can replace it individually. This way you aren't throwing away good ink. One maker gives you the choice of a double size black unit that is more economical than two singles.</p><p>Most printers use a cartridge with a built- in print head, but at least one has the print head built into the machine. The cartridges are only ink containers, consequently very inexpensive and easy to refill. The downside of this arrangement is that the print head is a wear item and it's quite expensive to replace.</p><p>The point is that these two style printers are more economical to operate than the conventional type. There are some printers that will operate with only the black cartridge installed, and this is a good choice for students and others that only print text. If you don't need a fancy printing job, often you can set your printer on "draft" which saves a lot of ink.</p><p>Be careful when you are buying a printer especially, but not exclusively at auctions; they're selling them without ink. A diligent shopper can sometimes find printers with and without rebates that are below the cost of the ink. This is a good way to go. For more information about shopping visit my web site: http://www.caveatemptorus.com/</p><p>I've tried refilling and using refurbished units with mixed success. Refilling is risky business. Maker's claim that it voids your warranty, this is debatable, but there is some validity to their concerns. There are different kinds of ink and using the wrong or an inferior ink can do damage. Many refurbs are poor quality so you end up returning them for replacement.</p><p>At the moment my choice is a printer with print heads in the cartridges and I buy good quality generics. Keep in mind this creates warranty problems. If you have a problem printing, you can't get technical service unless you buy a set of OEMs.</p><p>Written by: George W. Cannata the publisher of the web site: <a target="_new" href="http://www.caveatemptorus.com">http://www.caveatemptorus.com</a>, July 8, 2005.
วันศุกร์ที่ 26 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551
วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 25 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551
Does Size Really Matter In Our Digital Age?
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วันพุธที่ 24 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551
The Hard Disk
Since our launch of unnecessary files, defragmenting the form of partitions to learn to keep your hard drive in perfect condition hard drive is where all your software and data stored. If the hard disk no longer works, you can end up losing all your data. What we do here is to take you. A quick tour through the different things you need to know about it, so you can continue to function optimally. What is the hard drive? The magnetic disk is a mass storage device installed in bays in the system. The hard drive can handle a large cabinet with shelves with several different themes perfectly organized and stored in each of themselves. The hard drive stores all the information you need to save on your PC operating system (eg Windows) program (for example, a dress UNRWA), businesses or homes data and applications, games, e - mail, address books and so on. A hard drive mount chain is nothing but a mass of magnetic media. The surface magnetic hard disk must be structured in specific areas where data can be stored properly, a process known as formatting. When you buy a new computer system comes with a hard disk is formatted. A hard disk should be divided into partitions before it can be used. The hard disk of a newly purchased computer is configured with one big partition, the partition (C: in My Computer) and an extended partition, which can be divided into logical partitions (D: E: and so on My computer), if necessary. Please call partitioning makes data more efficiently and reduce access times to retrieve data. The storage capacity of hard disk has increased by leaps and limits since the IBM XT first 10 MB of hard disk. Today, 10 GB is the entry level and 17 GB is common. The hard drive is connected to the motherboard of your computer through an expansion card, or a disk interface card. How Wok? The disk is formatted to share their surface concentric magnetic circular paths called tracks (or grooves in a record Grammofon) and in the form of so-called area Sliced sectors. The data is stored as a file or a disk sector groups called clusters. A player seeks to move its magnetic data read-write head to the specific way within a particular sector. When a new file is created on a new hard drive formatted, is entrusted to a group of numbers in order. If the file has been extended, and then the first group is assigned. When the file is deleted, the number of his group were simply marked as available. During a period where growth file size at the request of the group or deleted, perfectly ordered sequence of clusters is involved, a process known as fragmentation. Partitioning your hard drive partition divides a large hard disk into smaller virtual non-physical hard disk or partition, leading to effective use of space and increase the performance of your PC. Partitioning could be very useful in the following circumstances: 1-A-PC, the environment where people have more to work on the same PC, partitions can be attributed to each of them, so that each person has his own work area. This can be useful in the home, where you can have separate partitions for your spouse, children's games, applications and data, and so on. 2-Work on multiple operating systems-You can work on multiple operating systems on your PC, for example, Win98, Linux and Windows 95. (Maybe you have programs that work well in Win95, but suddenly crashed in Win98). You can keep these various operating systems safely on the same disk, install separate partitions. Partitioning tools There are several tools to partition your hard disk. Two of the most popular are: 1-PartitionMagic 4th version of Windows 95 and 98-Partition Magic from Power Quest is a useful and powerful software partitioning. Without problems, it moves, turns and resize partitions on your hard drive without having to reformat the disk erase data. 2-free Fdisk is a partitioning utility that runs in the DOS environment. The largest UPS is free. It is complicated to use and also requires formatting the hard drive (perhaps the greatest disadvantage). Formatting a hard disk As with most mechanical devices, use hard inevitable result of wear and dysfunction. Repeat to add and delete files that takes its toll on the hard disk, and you can get disk errors, including the famous critical flaw in Windows. This is an indication that May need to format the hard disk to function properly. But before you decide to format the disk can be useful for testing other-1-run Disk Defragmenter Use a 2-compensation of these asregclean.exe shareware available for download. But if after trying these options, pursuing a critical error, so you need to format the hard disk. The procedure is very simple format, but it must be done carefully. Formatting the hard drive, all data on the disk are lost on the Windows operating system, software, applications, data management, games, e-mails. In short, everything. How Windows 95 1 - Double-click the icon. Then click the drive icon you want to format. (eg C:) 2 - In the File menu, click Format and follow the instructions. Remember that you can not format a disk if it is to open files on the disk. If the disk has been compressed using DriveSpace or any other compressed disc. Windows 98 1 - Click Start, click Stop, click Start, then click OK. 2 - Press and hold down the CTRL key until the startup menu of Microsoft Windows 98 appears. 3 - Select the command line and press Enter. 4 - In the C: prompt, type format c: and press ENTER. 5 - Follow the instructions on the screen. After the format is left with a blank hard drive with more space than before. The next step is to restore the programs you need on the disc. 1 - First, install Windows and applications you use. 2 - Restore the backup files in the right. If you use a Zip drive or a CD, they must be installed first. 3 - Re-install all the drivers for your printer, modem or other external devices. Defrag has a file on your hard disk can be stored in one place or group. For example, if you create a Word document and make changes at a later date, change can be stored in another group of the original file. Most of the time you make changes to a file, the more disorganized, and the disk becomes fragmented. As a result, the magnetic head that reads and writes data to and from the hard, work harder for the whole file. The fragmentation of the hard disk that the efficiency of storage and access time to retrieve information. The process of defragging can reorganize the files and unused space on your hard disk, so programs run faster. Before defragging, can be a good idea to check the amount of hard disk is fragmented. You can do this by running ScanDisk. Temp folder and emptying the trash before defragging. Windows 95 and Windows 98 -: Open the Start menu, point to Programs, point to Accessories, then System Tools, then Disk Defragmenter. You defragging timetable will depend on how much you use your PC. A good rule of thumb is to defragment every two weeks. Make sure all files are closed, then a screen saver, too. Spring Cleaning There is no more space on your hard drive yet? Getting disk errors or illegal activity? Perhaps it is time to clean the disk. Some tips on spring cleaning to help. 1 - Mix reactions: Note all applications on your PC. Remove the old software if you install the latest versions. Go to Control Panel Add / Remove program, and the ability to uninstall programs that do not require. 2 - Run Scandisk: Scan Disk Windows option is very useful to address the issue that the loss groups, directory entries invalid and physical disk errors. Run ScanDisk once a month. Click Start, point to Programs, Accessories, System Tools, and select and then click ScanDisk. Click the drive that contains files and folders you want to control. 3 - Defrag often, once every two weeks. 4 - Empty Trash-click the Recycle Bin icon on the desktop and select Empty Trash down menu. 5 - Clean-folders: Do we really need to download all those who have committed themselves to a research project or a game that rarely plays? Delete files that are not necessary. 6 - Delete. Tmp and create more space on your hard disk. Close all applications. Go to Windows Explorer. Press the button to open the Find dialog box. Type *. tmp in the area. Make sure your C: drive appears in the search box. Include subfolders call. When. Tmp files appear, remove them. 7 - Delete temporary files NET to create more space. Go to the temp Internet Files folder in Windows Explorer. Delete all the files. 8 - There are several components of Windows on the hard disk that you can do without. You can remove these components in the Add / Remove option configuration of Windows and create more space on your hard drive, some components of Windows that are not necessary accessories as wallpaper ( savings of 700 KB) and games (Before you save a 600KB format.. 1 - Enter the hard drive specifications (number of cylinders, tracks, sectors, etc) in the PC BIOS in the configuration of the table to make available to software opening. 2 - Back up all important data to another hard disk, CD, Zip Drive, magnetic tapes and diskettes. If you have a kind of backup or are in a hurry, it Simply copy important files. Copy the e-mail and address books, too. When you backup, make sure they are ok. 3 - Backup folder you want to share with others through a network. 4 - Keep handy the installation disks or CD of the program you are using, such as Windows or Office package. They will be re-installed after formatting. 5 - Keep hands on the disk drivers for your printer, sound card, CD-ROM, modem or other devices. They will be re-installed after formatting. FAT made when the hard disk is formatted, a table of allowance files (FAT) is created on the disk. FAT keeps a record of the location of all files on the disk is FAT 16 file allocation system used in DOS and Windows 95 FAT 32 file system used on Windows 98 or Windows 95 OSR 2 FAT 32 is considered more efficient because it saves more space on the disc. Implementation of the hard disk to a large extent on the overall performance of a PC. HDD performance factors include data storage access time (the time it takes to read / write heads to find a position on the magnetic surface), the timing of the transfer of data (a measure of how many millions of bits per second can be transmitted from the disk into RAM) and reliability. Keep your hard disk to tip top condition and optimize performance. 1 - Create separate folders for each application, data or for each family member. This will his own record and organized. 2 - Avoid despite compression file compression increase the quantity of storage, but also significantly reduce system performance. 3 - Maintain free 10%. Always keep at least 10% of your disk drive without having to comply with more than 90% of its capacity to lead a system in decline and the potential loss of information. 4 - Run the Maintenance Wizard tool in Windows 95 and 98 What utilities run faster, which controls the hard disk for problems and disk space. You can to0 program running on a regular basis at some point, for example, once a week or any other interval you want. Home Maintenance Wizard, click Start , Point to Programs, Accessories, System Tools and click Maintenance Wizard. 5 - using a software to optimize the performance of hard disk, such as Symantec Norton Utilities. About the author Pawan Banga
Technical Director,
; Birbal
(Hbirbals, Seobirbals, Ebirbals, Ibirbals)
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Technical Director,
; Birbal
(Hbirbals, Seobirbals, Ebirbals, Ibirbals)
Mobile: 91 -175-3150734
Cell: +91-98153-52253 < , br> e-mail: @ Pawan ebirbals. Pawan@ebirbals.com No Yahoo Messenger: pawanishappy@yahoo.com
MSN Messenger: ebirbals@Hotmail.com
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